Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Animal Spotlight: Camel

1. A camels hump does not store water. It stores fat, lessening heat-trapping insulation around the rest of the body.

2. One reason they can go long periods without water is the shape of their red blood cells. These are oval so will flow when they are dehydrated rather than clumping as ours do. The camel is the only mammal to have oval red blood cells.
3. Camels can drink up to 40 gallons of water in one sitting.

4. Camels lips are split to help them graze.

5. They can eat anything including thorny twigs without injuring their mouths.

6. Camels can kick in all four directions with each of their legs.

7. The shape of their nostrils allows them to retain water vapor and return it to the body as fluid.

8. They can lose 25% of their body fluids without getting dehydrated. Most mammals can only lose 15%.

9. Camel feces are so dry they are used for fuel and their urine is as thick as syrup.

10. One of the camel's defenses is 'spitting' where they essentially throw up a foul smelling greenish fluid from their stomach all over you when provoked.